中国科学院大学MBA教育管理中心 【“SEM管理科学”青年学者论坛】周迪:Antitrust Platform Regulation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China(12月20日) - 中国科学院大学MBA教育管理中心

【“SEM管理科学”青年学者论坛】周迪:Antitrust Platform Regulation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China(12月20日)

  • 日期:2023-12-12




报告题目:Antitrust Platform Regulation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China


报  告  人周迪  同济大学


 报告时间:2023年12月20日(周三) 16:00-17:30







Many jurisdictions have launched antitrust enforcement and introduced regulation against large tech platforms. As a quasi-natural experiment, the quick and strict implementation of China’s “Anti-Monopoly Guidelines for Platform Economy” provides an opportunity to evaluate the impact of antitrust regulation on platform competition. This paper addresses how government regulation impacts the number of investments and the entry of start-ups to measure competition. It adopts a Difference-in-Differences (DID) method to empirically explore the impact of China’s Platform Guidelines. The results show that competition weakened in markets affected by the guidelines with less venture capital investment flowing into these markets and less entry of start-ups. Moreover, the Guidelines not only restricted the expansion of the existing big tech digital platforms, but also deters the start-ups within the affected platform markets from engaging in businesses similar to the big tech digital platforms. Our study offers important policy implications and suggests that governments consider more carefully the potential unintended consequences of antitrust platform regulation.



周迪,同济大学经济与管理学院副研究员,上海市浦江人才。清华大学经济学博士,哈佛商学院访问学者。研究兴趣为数字经济与治理,涉及平台生态、数据经济及数字监管等。曾在Production and Operations ManagementTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 管理工程学报等国内外同行评审期刊发表论文多篇,著有《数字经济学》,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,任学术期刊Journal of Digital Economy编委。